«Estou certo do que todas estas coisas contadas serão ainda serão mais maravilhosas que para as quem viu”»
Cristóvão Colombo
Estava um belo dia solarengo naquele paraíso terreno. As moçoilas nativas vieram-no receber alegres e sem malícia nas suas nudezas.
Consta que Colombo não se perturbou com a chuva que se fazia sentir dentro da cabine.
Salvador Dali, Living Liquid Ladies, Dreams of Venus, New York World’s Fair, 1939
Dezassete raparigas líquidas, dezassete sereias, recrutadas entre Greenwich Village e outros conhecimentos mais privados, mergulhavam no aquário e deixavam-se boiar ao sabor das fantasias venusianas
Salvador Dali, Living Liquid Ladies, Dreams of Venus, New York World’s Fair, 1939
Enter into the house of dreams
Venus: Behold! I am Venus! I am the most beautiful woman in the world!
Choir of Men: You are the most beautiful woman of all ages.
Venus: I was born from the foam of the sea. I am a Goddess! I am attended by the most beautiful mermaids of the ocean.
Choir of young girls: The clouds of the sky gave you their colour
Choir of young girls: The clouds of the sky gave you their colour
Venus: Like the lobster of the deep I am dresses in my skeleton. Within is the rose-colored flesh of dream, more gentle than honey.
Choir of Young Girls:Your blood is sweeter than honey. Your honey is sweeter than your blood.
Venus: Because I am Venus and I dream
Choir of Men & Young Girls (in stupefaction):Venus, Venus, Venus
Venus: In the fever of love, I lie upon my ardent bed. A bed eternally long, and I dream my burning dreams — the longest dreams ever dreamed without beginning and without end.
Choir of Men: Without beginning and without end.
Venus: Enter the shell of my house and you will see my dreams.
Choir of Men:Enter! Enter!
Choir of Young Girls: Enter into the house of dreams.
Dark Marvels
Venus: I approach in my dream the enchanted seashores of Dali, the artist, the wizard of painting
Choir of Young Girls: The enchanted seashores of Dali, the painter
Venus: I see an exquisite corpse in chocolate and in equilibrium … and yonder, far off, being born of the obscurity, my eyes discover all covered width ivy, majestic, hallucinating, strange enigmas.
Choir of Men: Strange enigmas
Venus: Live women are chained and convulsed near the foot of my bed. And I see an instrument of music witch is gradually turning into a woman-the black and white notes of the piano keys change into the flesh of a woman’s body.
Choir of Men: Flesh of a woman’s body.
Venus: And there are troops pf savage giraffes whose necks are on fire, like the starry ejaculations of fireworks, in the very pale sky of childhood.
Choir of Men: (supplicating but imperative): Venus, Venus, we see your dreams but we do not believe them.
Venus: Enter, enter here-men of all kinds and races, victims of reality! You who have the thirst for dreams.
Choir of Young Girls: Thirst for dreams.
Venus: You, on life’s bitter road, drenched in hard sunlight who have the thirst that once more the dark marvel of dreams…
Choir of Men: Dark marvel of dreams.
Venus: May open their wings to you for a moment of mysterious shade, enter.
All: Enter, enter, enter.
Monólogo de Ruth Ford (irmã do poeta Charles Henri Ford- futuro editor da View magzine) e coros Gravação produzida pela RCA – Ingrid SHAFNER- Salvador Dali’s Dream of Vénus. The surrealist Funhouse from the 1939 World’s Fair, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2002(fotografias de Eric Shall