John Cage+Merce Cunninhgam+Robert Rauschenberg

John Cage, músico; Merce Cunningham, coreógrafor; e Robert Rauschenberg, artist, New York, Maio 2, 1960 «In the early fifties with David Tudor and Louis and Bebe Barron I made several works on magnetic tape, works by Christian Wolff, Morton Feldman, Earle Brown, and myself. Just as my notion of rhythmic structure followed Schoenberg’s structural harmony, […]

botas de mão em mão

“a obra de arte emerge da fractura entre a Terra e o mundo, entre a ausência de sentido na materialidade do corpo e da natureza, para receber sentido na história e no social” Heidegger Van Gogh, shoes, 1886 «When van Gogh depicted the peasant’s wooden sabots, he gave them a clear, unworn shape and surface […]